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Executive Functioning Coaching

Our clinician's are trained in behavioral psychology and provide Executive Function Coaching services for children and adolescents at our center and in the home through teletherapy. 
Executive function skills are the core set of cognitive skills required for planning, completing and evaluating the completion of tasks, as well as overseeing our communication exchanges. These cognitive skills are typically divided into lower level and higher-level skills. The lower level cognitive skills refer to functions that control behavior, such as attention, motivation, and emotion regulation. The higher-level cognitive skills refer to metacognitive functions that guide behavior, such as planning, organizing, monitoring, reasoning, problem solving and flexibility. There are episodic memories of our experiences that we form into schemas and routines. We retrieve and flexibly apply these schemas for new communication and learning situations while we also monitor our goals, time, and use of strategies. We gradually develop these cognitive skill sets from young childhood through young adulthood.  Executive Function Coaching services are also highly effective for college students who are learning to manage complex study and life schedules.
Executive function skills support students to develop independent learning skills by developing the following:

  • Plan homework, written papers and projects


  • Prioritize and initiate tasks


  • Monitor how plans are working, problem-solve and make changes


  • Plan and manage time in order to complete work to meet due dates


  • Use strategies to manage motivation, attention and energy levels


  • Manage distractions and return to tasks


  • Use prior experiences as a guide for completing tasks and working with others


  • Organize thinking during all aspects of learning and communication with teachers


  • Use external organizational systems to track papers and belonging


  • Awareness when there are problems and seek resources


We can help with the development of executive functioning skills by targeting specific tasks:

Interested Student

Time Management

  • Prioritizing Tasks and Time

  • Sensing the Sweep of Time

  • Creating Study Routines and a Conducive Study Enviornment

  • Management of Papers and Material

Long Term Project Management


  • Strategies for Planning and Using Time Effectively

  • Breaking Projects into Manageable Parts

  • Self-Accountability for Completion of Intermediate Project Steps


Test Preparation


  • Review of Past Test Preparation and Taking Skills

  • Effective Note Taking and Preparation of Study Materials for Test Preparation

  • Anticipation of Format and Content

  • Development and Independant use of Study Strategies

  • Strategies for Organization and Execution of Short and Long Essays

  • Planning and Estimating Time during the Test

  • Evaluating Performance and Planning for Future Test Preparation Strategies


Teacher and Pupil


  • Breaking Down and Interpreting Types of Writing Assignments

  • Brainstorming with Schema Analysis Strategies 

  • Thesis Development

  • Pre-Planning and Organization of Ideas Using Consistent Methods

  • Writing, Revising, Editing

  • Use of Technology Resources during the Writing Process

  • Reading Comprehension

  • Story Grammar for Fiction

  • Visualization and Mental Imagery Strategies

  • Methods for Previewing as important for Connections

  • Understanding Inherent Organization of Written Information

  • Recognizing Relevant Details and Categorizing of Main Ideas

  • Comprehension of Various Genres

  • Note taking and Techniques for Storage and Recall of information

  • Understanding Figurative and Abstract Language

  • Reasoning Sills: Making Text Connections, Text Analysis, Inferences, Predictions


    8401 Lake Worth Rd., Suite 210, Lake Worth/Wellington, Florida 33467

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